
Emerge Ministries Prayer Request 2024
Prayer proceeds provision. We ask that you dedicate times of prayer for Emerge this entire year. By intentionally increasing my own prayer life in 2023, provision followed in ministry and my personal life. Please join me as we increase our prayer life together this year. Specifically, intercede for Emerge. We are ferociously engaged with the enemy every day, in prisons, our chaplaincy programs (ECRT), our volunteer disaster relief, and our work among the impoverished and the homeless. Also, we are battling powers and principalities in North Carolina and other states. They are hindering the expansion of our tent pegs in many local jails and state prison systems. We need prayer in all these areas. God has given us seven (7) specific areas for our 2024 yearly prayer list. I hope it blesses you and your family; I know it will bless us!
1. That hope and faith is poured into pastors and leaders across the nation. That a Biblical Worldview of Evangelism, Church, and Discipleship, interwoven and Holy Spirit driven, will produce hope and change among leadership and culture.
2. That the Director of Emerge will remain concise, clear, and courageous, not doing the familiar, but focusing on God’s priorities within the Vision, Mission, and Purpose of Emerge Ministries.
3. That we become aware of the spiritual blocks to receiving the cattle on a thousand hills. That our donations grow in spiritual step with God's increase of His work, not becoming a distraction of the enemy.
4. That we remain Holy Spirit driven, holding steadfast to the “Emerge Proclamations”(see website) which guide us to love one another so that the world will know we are His disciples, followers of Christ Jesus. Also, that the saints and the organized church may be restored and healed while we minister and persuade the lost of the truth in the Gospel and the need for a home church.
5. For the biblical council of 120 individuals, board members, advisors, and volunteer staff across the country who have the vision of and serve alongside Emerge every day.
6. That we remain undeceived by the enemy. As our tent pegs are rapidly extending outward, we as leaders can easily become deceived. Organization building is often in conflict with building His Kingdom
7. That we are preparing ourselves and those we serve for a depth of maturity required for Gods narrative to once again overtake this country.
For ministry details visit www.emerge4unity.org

Emerge Evangelism that serves the Church
Individuals and families everywhere are faced with difficult decisions every day. Decisions involving; incarceration, addiction, recidivism, natural disasters, homelessness, suicide, no support, lack of discipleship and fellowship, and everything that accompanies these issues. They may seem distant and unassociated with us at first glance; however they are happening in every community across the nation. Each of us knows someone personally affected by these issues. Emerge believes that mobilizing, strengthening, and building up believers is the solution to these and many other cultural issues.
By providing Biblical based training, coordination, and mobilization, the "Voices with Emerge" are able to engage individuals facing many of these desperate situations. Empowering the body to serve, they witness a move of God and are intrinsically driven to continue the work of ministry. Most importantly, when testifying on the work of God back to the organized gathering of the church, then it is encouraged and added unto.
Emerge continues to labor at serving the church and other organizations who wish to partner with us through a missiology of evangelism. Evangelism without the church produces orphans. By partnering with the saints and the organized church we no longer leave orphans at the altar.
If you long to be a part of God's narrative to the world and see lives transformed:
"Come go with us and be that Voice"

Emerge Chaplains Response Team (ECRT)
When stricken by natural disasters and critical incidences all people are affected without discrimination. Devastation from human destruction or natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes cause pain, grief, and deep trauma. This comes from losing loved ones, homes, cars, lost memories stored in pictures and other objects of deep affection. At times families can be affected by all of these at once. The needs of individuals and families burdened with grief from experiences of these disasters are immense. When inadequate resources such as chaplains are not there to assist in recovery the healing process may be prolonged and much more difficult to resolve. ECRT is here to help, making sure adequate counseling resources and prayer is available.
ECRT coordinates and mobilizes ACA (American Chaplains Association) Certified Chaplains to respond in a timely matter meeting the needs of those effected. First, we package and deliver supplies to meet immediate physical needs of survivors. Then, we conduct follow up missions to ensure individuals and families are reminded of the "Love we have for one another".
Our chaplains and volunteers intentionally address those in need of grief and PTSD counseling. Our overarching and intentional effort is to witness to people where they are in hopes that it promotes a change of heart and a renewing of the mind, transforming them into who they are in Christ. Over the past eight (8) years our chaplains and volunteers have completed 20 missions in seven (7) states. We have seen hundreds give their lives to Christ. We have witnessed, prayed with, and met the needs of more than a 100,000 individuals devastated by disasters and critical incidences.
If you are interested in becoming a member of ECRT the first step is to visit our website, then fill out and submit an Emerge volunteer form. Our staff will contact you promptly to begin your journey.
Come go with us and be a "Voice" of hope!

Emerge Life Events (ELE) Prison Ministry
In many cases inmates feel abandoned, and isolated, as homeless and lost sheep. ELE has a 37-year history of ministering to the incarcerated by conducting services that include preaching the Gospel, delivering testimony, and worship. We serve both males and females in adult and juvenile facilities by providing training, coordination, and mobilization for volunteers to fulfill the scripture, "I was in prison, and you came to visit me" (Matt. 25:36). This results in inmates receiving hope and establishing faith that is only found through Jesus Christ.
Most recently 15 ELE volunteers visited Union Juvenile Detention Centers. Emerge Ministries witnessed a powerful move of God. Throughout our three (3) day weekend of ministry we ministered to 62 inmates ages twelve to eighteen years old both male and female. Our volunteers ministered through the Word of God, testimony, and music. Many of the youth came up with sincere prayer request. Eight (8) individuals made a decision to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. How amazing it is to see our Heavenly Father work in the lives of these youth!
Emerge is preparing for our first (1st) 2024 quarterly Emerge Life Event prison ministry in SC. We are beginning our 37th year of weekend long crusades. With many doors of opportunity opening up in South Carolina and North Carolina, more volunteers are greatly needed. If you wish to share your life's experience, strength, and hope in Christ with those incarcerated, living in bondage and fear, come go with us and be that voice.
To experience a move of God in these facilities is life changing for both the inmates, staff, and the volunteers. “Come go with Us"
Click the link below to start the process of becoming a volunteer with Emerge:

Skills4Life (S4L) and C.A.R.E. Program
The crisis of fentanyl and heroin addiction along with substance abuse in general greatly contribute to recidivism in jail and prisons. It has devastated millions of families and communities in America. In 2022 there were reportedly more than 100,000 deaths due to drug overdosed that involved fentanyl. If you consider all substance abuse related deaths the number would drastically increase. For the first time in American history the average life expectancy decreased, in large parts due to substance abuse related causes. Also, 87% of crime is directly related to substance abuse. Crime and recidivism has drastically increased leading to overcrowded detention centers and prison. Such overcrowding and staff stress leads to less detention officers and facilities being understaffed. Emerge Skills4Life (S4L) Program in coordination with Emerge Community Assessment and Re-entry Empowerment (C.A.R.E.) App Follow-up Program is an evidence faith-based solution.
For the last 2 years Emerge Ministries has been fighting fervently in the 3rd and 4th judicial district of North Carolina to implement our S4L and C.A.R.E programs. These programs when implemented have proven to reduce the recidivism (those who return to jail) rate by at least 35%. This would save county municipalities millions of dollars in detention center cost. Most importantly, it would save hundreds of lives, and restore hope to thousands of mothers, fathers, spouses, and children. S4L is conducted inside detention centers. It is a seven (7) week educational program with 245 hours of instruction focused on addressing addiction and re-entry of ex-offenders as productive citizens back into society. With over ten (10) years of concrete data proven to reduce recidivism we must work together diligently to implement these programs
In a North Carolina state study, it is a proven fact that when communities are deeply involved in the re-entry process of ex-offenders, recidivism is further reduced. Our C.A.R.E. Program is designed to educate, train, coordinate, and engage community resources such as individuals, churches and self help organizations to intentionally follow up with ex-offenders and their families. Our C.A.R.E. app is a real time communication tool and resource for follow-up mentoring. Among many strategies our C.A.R.E. App volunteers are protected through our Emerge private cloud server, and the app if free and available on Apple and Android devices. Without a vision of intentional follow-up and mentoring we would be creating orphans without a home. To not partner with the community, which delivers long term sustainable change, is unacceptable to Emerge. Please join us in this effort, we need your help!

Emerge Live Music Ministry
Emerge Live is a diverse group of professional musicians that consist of men and women from different races, denominations, cultures. They are united in purpose to serve Christ, leading others into an intimate time of relationship with Him through music.
Emerge Live is led by music director Harold Greene. He is a gifted multi-instrument musician, singer, songwriter, composer, arranger, and sought after producer and studio musician. He has performed onstage with major recording artist and has fulfilled the role of worship leader of several large and small churches.
Emerge Live is an intricate part musically and spiritually in all our evangelistic efforts. Although Emerge Live plays for many Emerge coordinated events they also play many dates throughout the year for conferences, conventions, and lead worship for many churches. Emerge Live's evangelistic and/or worship music services have reached thousands of individuals throughout the Southeastern United States
Emerge Live has been most active recently in our Jesus Jam sessions. During these sessions there is time for those who attend to congregate and share general fellowship, confessions, testimonies, and the Word. We have experienced many people walk away from these services edified and encouraged, which allows them to add unto the church with depth and maturity.
To stay up to date which Emerge Live and all our other events click the link below: